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Thesis Deposition System

Thesis Depostion System


Welcome to the Electronic Thesis Management System. This web application has been designed to help KNUST Postgraduate Students upload their thesis, track their progress, and schedule a date for their oral examinations (Viva Voce).



1.       Open your browser (e.g Chrome, Firefox, Safari) on your device

2.       Enter in your address bar

3.       Enter your KNUST Credentials, thus your Username, Student ID or Number, and Password, and hit “Submit” button

4.       You can choose to save your logins using the “Remember” toggle button

5.       Wait till your dashboard loads completely

In situations where you forgot your password, you can reset your password by following the instructions below

    Password Reset


To reset your student credentials kindly follow the these steps.
- Go to
- Click on forgot password? or click HERE
- Enter your student reference number, you'll be notified via email, a reset link will be sent to your personal email ( address will be shown to you )
- Click on "continue" and check your email. ( reset link has been sent to "your mail". Please check this email to complete the process).

You can reach out to the Support Team in case of any challenges by clicking on “SUPPORT

 For more info about the Thesis Deposition System, download the manuals below


PhD's Manual
Masters Manual


  • Upcoming Events

    Displays events organised at the Graduate School ( Oral Exams, Seminars)

  • Thesis Status & Notification

    Notification at various stages of processing of thesis

  • Fees

    Summary information about payment of fees

  • Announcements
  • Semester Performance